
Guinea pigs in danger

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Activists are speaking up against Disney's new animated movie «G-Force», in which genetically modified Guinea pigs are deployed to save the world.

Guinea pigs in danger

With announcements on the Internet and press releases, pet rescue agencies are pleading with parents not to run out and buy their child a Guinea pig on impulse after seeing the movie. The very delicate creatures are unsuitable as pets for small children and need special care. To make matters worse, once they realize that the Guinea pigs aren¹t the action figures represented in «G-Force», many children (and their parents) will neglect them, which can lead to the rodents dying within only a few days.

Disney release have such an impact on youngsters throughout the world that they are posting a statement on their Web site and other promotional materials asking viewers to be responsible.

Other animals have suffered from this phenomena in the past: «101 Dalmatians» and «Legally Blonde» resulted in thousands of Dalmatians and Chihuahuas sold, only to be abandoned a few months later, and ferrets suffered the same fate thanks to «Along Came Polly».

27. Juli 2009

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