Stefan Jähner movie.crew.visualeffect

Bekannt für

The King's Man: The Beginning

The King's Man: The Beginning

The Matrix Resurrections

The Matrix Resurrections

Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13

Jim Knopf und die Wilde 13


13. November 2024

Red One
movie.crew.visualeffect Visual Effects pipeline Developer: Rise


movie.crew.visualeffect visual effects pipeline developer: RISE Visual Effects Studios

16. August 2023

Blue Beetle
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: Rise Visual Effects Studios

16. August 2023

The Last Voyage of the Demeter
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: RISE Visual Effects Studios

29. Dezember 2021

The King's Man
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: RISE Visual Effects Studios

22. Dezember 2021

The Matrix Resurrections
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: rise visual effects studios

2. Dezember 2021

Gunpowder Milkshake
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: RISE Visual Effects Studios

1. Oktober 2020

Jim Knopf und die wilde 13
movie.crew.visualeffect pipeline td: RISE Visual Effects Studios


MasterChef (DE)
movie.crew.visualeffect visual effects artist (1 episode, 2016)