
Sergio Leone: 20 years already

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

On April 30th 1989, maverick Italian director Sergio Leone passed away.

Sergio Leone: 20 years already

Here comes the 20th death anniversary of the creator of Spaghetti Westerns.

Rarely has a filmmaker's style marked in such a unique and unusual way the history of cinema. 40 years after Leone's debut, numerous filmmakers still use the Roman auteur's signature style in films and commercials, whether as homage or plain plagiarism.

Even better: his films, mostly shot in the 60s, haven't aged one bit. One only needs watch a few sequences from the amazing «Once Upon A Time In The West», «The Good, The Bad And The Ugly» and «A Fistful of Dynamite» to be convinced.

As for his masterpiece, «Once Upon A Time In America», it is regularly listed, and rightfully so, as one of the best films in the history of cinema.

It is such a pity Sergio Leone passed away so young, at only 60 years of age, with so few films to his credit.

1. Mai 2009

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