
Ridley Scott praised

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Ridley Scott has been praised for his latest movie «Kingdom of Heaven» in which he tackles a delicate matter – the Crusades – but succeeds in avoiding stereotypical views of Muslims.

Ridley Scott praised

As Ridley Scott's last films are not as flamboyant as those at the beginning of his career, his next movie, «Kingdom of Heaven» is gathering good reviews, specially about the way the English filmmaker has tackled the complex matter of the Crusades and how he has succeeded in avoiding stereotypical views of Muslims and demonization of Islam. Several historians have praised Scott's accurate portrayal of Muslim leader Saladin and his message claiming that diplomacy will always be a better alternative over any kind of conflict. Starring Orlando Bloom, Jeremy Irons and Liam Neeson, «Kingdom of Heaven» will be released in Switzerland on May 5th.

18. April 2005

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