
Planet of the Jacksons

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Invited to the radio show of famous American provocateur Howard Stern, Mark Wahlberg dared to make certain comparisons that few are agreeing with.

Planet of the Jacksons

Howard Stern was curious to know guest Mark Wahlberg's opinion on whether co-star Helena Bonham-Carter was sexy in her simian role in «Planet of the Apes» – for which she dons a plethora of prostheses, make-up, and hairy appliqués – the actor said yes, and added that she looked a lot like Janet Jackson.

Certain organizations committed to the fight against racism have attacked Wahlberg's comments, which certainly don't fit into this age of political correctness. And if Wahlberg can make this kind of association with Jackson's adorable face, it's amazing that the usually less hesitant Howard Stern didn't ask him what her brother Michael's much-modified features reminded him of. Let's be grateful.

20. August 2001

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