
Pedro Almodovar directs Carlos Leal

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The former lead singer of Lausanne's rap group Sens Unik is working with Pedro Almodovar.

Pedro Almodovar directs Carlos Leal

According to several Swiss-German media outlets, Carlos Leal is due to start filming on Lanzarote today for Pedro Almodovar's next movie «Broken Embraces».

No word yet if his supporting role includes a scene with the movie's star, Penelope Cruz.

Now living in Madrid, Leal regularly appears in TV series, including a Spanish version of «CSI». Last year he also had an important role as the croupier in the last James Bond movie, alongside Daniel Craig.

«Broken Embraces» will most likely be released in 2009.

5. Juni 2008

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