
Mickey Mouse against Hamas

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

At the request of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, the Walt Disney Company is considering suing the terrorist group Hamas for copyright infringement.

Mickey Mouse against Hamas

The terrorist group Hamas may have a new enemy: Mickey Mouse. Farfur, a character on a Hamas children's show that looks very much like Disney's mouse, urged children to brush their teeth, obey their parents and join the Jihad against Israel.

As condemnation against Farfur spread throughout the region, Hamas eventually decided to kill him off – by brutally beating him to death at the hands of an actor playing a Mossad agent as the other characters chanted «We will defeat Bush, we will defeat Condoleezza, we will defeat Sharon, but wait, Sharon is already dead».

Incensed that Hamas would use a character similar to Mickey Mouse for hate propaganda, Walt Disney's daughter Diane Disney Miller has announced she will take steps against the group for copyright infringement.

16. November 2007

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