
Jude Law rocks with Mick Jagger

Tobias Gläser
News: Tobias Gläser

In the remake of the classic «Alfie», Jude Law plays the epitome of a lothario. Music by none other than 61-year-old rock star Mick Jagger.

Jude Law rocks with Mick Jagger

What Michael Caine did for the 1966 original, Jude Law does for the remake of «Alfie» – schmooze the ladies. Rock legend Mick Jagger provided the soundtrack and had so much fun that he's ready for more: «I would do more soundtracks if I had the right film and the right group of people and the right collaborators and it's kind of fun, I can see now how it can be intense and really difficult.» «Alfie» is due out in Swiss theaters at the beginning of 2005.

7. Oktober 2004

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