
Jesus is back

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

A new, abridged version of Mel Gibson's «Passion of Christ» in which several violent scenes have been cut out, will be released on March 11.

Jesus is back

A year after its release and the scandal it generated, Mel Gibson's «Passion of Christ» will be distributed again on March 11 in more than 600 theaters accross the US. In this abridged version rebaptised «Passion Recut», some of the most violent scenes have been cut out – among them, the flagellation of Jesus Christ by the Romans. The goal is to allow young audiences to see this film without being hurt, since the uncut version that opened last year was R-rated. With Easter approaching, the number of theaters showing «Passion Recut» will increase. It seems the 370 million dollar box office receipts in North America have failed to satisfy Hollywood merchants of the temple.

14. Februar 2005

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