
Iran is shocked by «300»

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The psychological warfare between the US and Iran has gone beyond the borders of politics. The Iranian media and government are incensed at the portrayal of ancient Persians by the makers of «300».

Iran is shocked by «300»

«300», the war movie about the battle of Thermopylae, in which 300 valiant Spartans led by Leonidas attempt to keep the Persian army at bay, is not doing the strained relations between the US and Iran any good. According to one of Iran's leading newspapers, Iranians see the Hollywood production as an authentic declaration of war and are incensed by the way the ancient Persians are portrayed in it.

Persian King Xerxes and his armies are depicted as unintelligent, bloodthirsty monsters. As is the case in several countries in the region, foreign productions are forbidden in Iran, but those interested will have no problem getting access to the slaughterfest: the black market is already being flooded with copies.

14. März 2007

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