
Has Christina Ricci had her breasts reduced?

Urban Aregger
News: Urban Aregger

Has Christina Ricci gone under the knife? Rumors abound that the 23-year-old actor has had breast reduction surgery to get better roles. Ricci vehemently denies the reports.

Has Christina Ricci had her breasts reduced?

Rumors around Hollywood say Christina Ricci has had breast reduction surgery to get producers to give her better roles. Ricci, whose last co-starred with Oscar winner Charlize Theron in «Monster», doesn't understand the reasoning behind the rumors: «That's ridiculous. Why would having smaller boobs get you bigger roles? I'm more comfortable with my body than I've ever been. I like to be photographed and photographers like to shoot me because I'm willing to go there and do different things.»

3. Juni 2004

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