
French heartthrob Alain Delon turns 70

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

1960's bad boy turned legendary actor Alain Delon turns 70.

French heartthrob Alain Delon turns 70

With James Dean big in America in the late 1950's, France looked for its own brooding heartthrob and found it in Alain Delon. The ex French marine got his training in front of the camera, and audiences were thrilled, forgiving him early sex and drug scandals. His many co-stars included Romy Schneider (with whom he had a well-documented 5-year relationship), Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Gabin. In addition to making almost 90 movies, Delon created his own company, which sells luxury items under his name. Alain Delon became a Swiss citizen in 1999.

8. November 2005

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