
The death of a great producer

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The year 2002 has started badly for the movie world. Julia Phillips, producer of three of the most famous American movies of the Golden Age of the 70's, has died of cancer at age 57.

The death of a great producer

«The Sting», «Taxi Driver», «Close Encounters of the Third Kind»: three films, three classics. They undoubtedly never would have seen the light of day without Julia Phillips, who was barely 30 when she received the first of 7 Oscars in 1973, for best film – «The Sting». She was also the first female producer to do so, which made her one of the most influential people in Hollywood. Unfortunately, like so many before her she fell victim to drug abuse and wrecked her career. In 1991, Phillips made a scandalous comeback with the no-holds-barred autobiography «You'll never eat lunch in this town again», in which she exposed the dirt on and named names of a plethora of huge Hollywood power-brokers, among them Warren Beatty, Jack Nicholson and Goldie Hawn.

5 janvier 2002

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