
Sex, potion & rock'n'roll

Deborah Cukierman
News: Deborah Cukierman

J.K. Rowling didn't plan for a threesome in her children's books. However, teenage turmoil and time helping, it seems the leading «Harry Potter» actors have fallen in love with their fellow actress.

Sex, potion & rock'n'roll

A few days to go before the release of the sixth installment, «Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince», and backstage gossip is already abounding. During an interview, Rupert Grint, Ron in the films, has admitted to not only being infatuated with Emma Watson, the young actress playing Hermione, but also finding himself competing with Daniel Radcliffe, a.k.a. Harry Potter, over the darling's heart.

«A lot of people think there's something going on [between me and Emma Watson] because I have to kiss her on film soon. I'll be honest with you: it's not something I'd say I'm dreading. Emma's a pretty girl. Have Daniel or I ever hit on Emma? Well, she's quite popular with the cast. As for who has the worst crush on her – me or Radcliffe – I'd rather not say.»

«Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince» is coming out on July 15. The seventh and last book, «Harry Potter and the Hallows of Death», is being shot in two parts, no doubt to make pleasure last before saying goodbye.

3 juillet 2009

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