
Seagal is keeping a low profile

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The maddening Steven Seagal has been forced to bow to the demands of top film producer, Joel Silver, in order to secure the lead role in «Exit Wounds», recently released in the United States.

Seagal is keeping a low profile

«If you have aspirations to play in my film, start by getting your hair cut, lose a few kilos and smarten yourself up!». That is what Steven Seagal was subject to a few months ago when he introduced himself to top film producer, Joel Silver (maker of «Matrix», the «Lethal Weapons» and «Die Hard»), with the aim of landing the lead role. It is certainly true that Silver is not exactly known for being the most docile figure in Hollywood. After Seagal had worked out for several weeks, Silver added satisfactorily: «Excellent: he has lost weight and no longer wears a Navajo top believing that this means he is well dressed!». Contrary to what one sees on the cinema screen, it's tough being a movie star these days...

27 mars 2001

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