
Richard Harris: a rare form of cancer

Sabine Mohler
News: Sabine Mohler

The popular Irish actor, Richard Harris, is renowned among others for his role as the philosopher king, Marc Aurel, in «Gladiator». In the two «Harry Potter»-movies Harris played the part of Albus Dumbledore. Sadly the 72-year old actor has been diagnosed with cancer.

Richard Harris: a rare form of cancer

Whilst rehearsing scenes of «Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets», Harris complained of suddenly feeling unwell and was admitted immediately to hospital. After extensive examination doctors established a hitherto unknown form of cancer. After he had been advised as far back as 1970 to moderate his excessive alcohol consumption, Harris breezily ignored warnings about his health, protesting that he was a hedonist at heart. A replacement is currently being sought for the third part of the «Harry Potter» triology, while Harris is undergoing a therapy. Shooting is due to get underway in January. If Harris is not on the road to recovery by that stage another actor will assume the role of Albus Dumbledore.

16 octobre 2002

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