
Chaplin: museum in Corsier-sur-Vevey

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Favored over Los Angeles and London, the small town of Corsier-sur-Vevey will host a museum dedicated to Charlie Chaplin, says his son, Michael Chaplin.

Chaplin: museum in Corsier-sur-Vevey

The future pilgrimage destination for fans of the legendary English filmmaker should be complete within two years. It will be dedicated to Charlie Chaplin's career, screening clips of his masterpieces and exhibiting some of his possessions, such as the piano he used to compose his unforgettable songs.

In the great Swiss tradition, when the idea was first raised several neighbors of the villa in which Chaplin lived for twenty years were immediately opposed to the idea of transforming it into a museum, afraid visitors to the site, from old to young, would dare to infringe on their hard-earned, idyllic daily lives.

Luckily, after about ten years of legal battles, Vevey authorities and the Nestlé Group has prevailed, and the multinational will pick up the reported $50 million tab for the prestigious project.

Click on the link to view the Chaplin Museum site.

24 novembre 2009

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