
Ben Stiller regrets nude scene in «Along Came Polly»

Sabine Mohler
News: Sabine Mohler

The romantic comedy «Along Came Polly», starring Jennifer Aniston and Ben Stiller, is due soon in Swiss theaters. Stiller's behind also makes a cameo, a fact he now regrets.

Ben Stiller regrets nude scene in «Along Came Polly»

Comedian Ben Stiller wishes he hadn't had to show quite so much of himself in «Along Came Polly». A scene in which Stiller bares all below the waist was kept in the movie, despite assurances to Stiller that it would probably be edited out. Says Stiller: «Director John Hamburg said he'd cut the scene if it didn't get a laugh. Later, I discovered I could have had a bottom double – but no had bothered to tell me.» How Stiller managed to miss knowing about body doubles in Hollywood is anyone's guess.

26 février 2004

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