
Adam Sandler gets it a little too rough

Tobias Gläser
News: Tobias Gläser

After «Anger Management» and «50 First Dates» Adam Sandler's next comedy is called «Spanglish». A particularly rough shoot, as it turned out.

Adam Sandler gets it a little too rough

In the comedy «Spanglish», an American couple (Adam Sandler and Téa Leoni) hire a Mexican housekeeper who turns their lives upside down. There's plenty of romance, too, with some serious consequences for Sandler, who was bruised by Leoni while shooting a sex scene. «It was hurting. The camera kept rolling and Téa kept whacking. It did hurt my chest. After take six she was still going for it. My make-up girl would have to run in between takes and put flesh color make-up back on my chest,» said the 38-year-old comedian. «Spanglish» was directed by James L. Brooks and is due out in Swiss theaters on April 7, 2005.

8 décembre 2004

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