
A new career for Ricky Martin?

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

A sure-fire success for the next film by George A. Romero, the famous low-budget horror film producer.

A new career for Ricky Martin?

Bizarre piece of news! It seems that the famous Puerto Rican singer, Ricky Martin, is on the point of signing for a film retracing the assassination of the bloody Dominican dictator, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, which took place in 1961. The fact that George A.Romero, author of famous productions such as «Night of the Leaving Dead», and actors of the stature of Ed Harris, James Coburn and Anthony Quinn in the role of the dictator, are involved in this adventure makes the project one of the strangest but also most compelling of recent times. To be followed…

23 février 2001

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