
Hollywood's movie journalists support charity organizations

Urban Aregger
News: Urban Aregger

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which awards the Golden Globes every year, supports non-profit organizations throughout the world. Along to show their solidarity are Hollywood stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Natalie Portman and Mark Wahlberg.

Hollywood's movie journalists support charity organizations

The Hollywood Foreign Press Association gave away more than $1 million to various non-profit organizations, with the help of several stars – such as Mark Wahlberg: «I'm here to accept a check for the Ghetto Film School. It's a great organization that helps inner-city kids, gives them access to film equipment, inspires them to pursue their artistic interests.» Wahlberg, famous for movies such as «Planet of the Apes» and «The Italian Job», lived on the streets himself as a teenager.

17 août 2004

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