
Was 2007 a flop year?

Pascal Blum
News: Pascal Blum

From a business point of view, 2007 was the year of star-studded movies that didn't meet up to expectations, says a critic at MSNBC. Although «The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford» stars Brad Pitt, it took in less than $4 million in the US.

Was 2007 a flop year?

Even the war seminar «Lions for Lambs», starring Robert Redford, Tom Cruise, Meryl Streep brought in just 15 million. Big names don't seem to guarantee a hit at the box office anymore – even though «Jesse James» and «Lions for Lambs» were aimed at independent film audiences.

The list of relatively unsuccessful movies includes «A Mighty Heart» (9.1 million), «Rendition» (9.7 million) and «Redacted» by Brian De Palma, which brought in a mere $65,000. The Farrelly Brothers’ «The Heartbreak Kid» made less than expected as well, and even the action movie «Next» starring Nicolas Cage only garnered $18 million.

28. Dezember 2007

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