
The movie that made Clooney a star

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In a recent interview, George Clooney named the movie that changed his life and made him a superstar.

The movie that made Clooney a star

«Ocean's Eleven»? «O Brother, Where Art Thou»? «Three Kings»? «Michael Clayton»? None of the above. George Clooney is sure that the film that marked the turning point of his career is none other than 1997's awful «Batman & Robin», the cheesy movie adaptation of the comic book, resplendent with rubber nipples and a decidedly gay subplot, also starring Arnold Schwarzenegger and Uma Thurman.

Clooney has a decidedly Piaf-esque take on the whole situation: «I don't regret anything. With hindsight it's easy to look back at Batman and go, 'Woah! that was really shit, and I was really bad in it'. The truth is, Batman is still the biggest break I ever had. It changed my career. I wouldn't be doing this now if it hadn't been for Batman.»

3. Oktober 2008

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