
Surprises at Cesar ceremony

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

At the Cesars ceremony, the 2 favourite nominated films lose against surprise hit «L'Esquive».

Surprises at Cesar ceremony

Against all odds, the winner of the 30th ceremony of the Cesars – French Oscar awards – is «L'Esquive», directed by Abdellatif Kechiche: Best film, Best director, Best script and Best Newcomer Actress. «L'Esquive» tells the story of a group of French suburb teenagers who rehearse a pièce of Marivaux.

«A Very Long Engagement» directed by «Amélie»'s author Jean-Pierre Jeunet and «The Chor» are the two big loosers of the evening. Jeunet's film won 5 awards – three in technical categories and 2 for its second supporting actors, «The Chor» won the Cesar for the Best Music and the Best Sound only. «The Chor» might be luckier at the Oscar ceremony: it is nominated in the Best foreign film category.

27. Februar 2005

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