
Nolte's neighbors complain about the noise

Sabine Mohler
News: Sabine Mohler

Hollywood's bad boy Nick Nolte got another visit from the police, but instead of being about drugs or alcohol, this time the boys in blue were responding to a complaint about the noise from Nolte's guitar playing.

Nolte's neighbors complain about the noise

One year ago, «The Hulk» star Nick Nolte was arrested for driving under the influence. A few days ago, he was revisited by police, this time for disturbing the peace. Nolte was playing his electric guitar so loudly at his home that the neighbors complained. When police arrived, Nolte still had no idea – it his son Brawley who had to tell him to tone it down: «All of a sudden, he tapped me on the shoulder and scared me out of my skin. I said, 'What, what, what, what Son?' And he said, 'You're too noisy.'»

28. August 2003

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