
Movies for the blind

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In Denmark, movies have been made accessible to the sight impaired.

Movies for the blind

«A Father Comes Home» by the director Thomas Vinterberg, is the first movie to be projected for a blind public. The Danish Film Institute financially supported the presentation for one day only, which permitted a blind audience to follow the action onscreen.

The sight impaired present for the «viewing» where given earphones which transmitted a detailed description along with the dialogue and movie soundtrack, which were broadcast normally through the theatre's speakers.

Those attending were enthusiastic about the trial, expressing their desire to make the service a part of every movie experience. «A Father Comes Home» will be presented this way in 8 Danish cites during January and February.

The experience wasn't a total hit, however, as audiences weren't all that impressed with Vinterberg film itself.

25. Januar 2008

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