
Leo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz need remedial sex lessons

Sabine Mohler
News: Sabine Mohler

Leonardo DiCaprio is the international girls' favorite since «Titanic»; there was barely a heart unmoved when DiCaprio put the moves on co-star Kate Winslet. But maybe that was all her hard work... News is out that the love scenes in DiCaprio's latest movie, «Gangs Of New York», had to be reshot due to lack of intensity.

Leo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz need remedial sex lessons

Rumors from the set of «Gangs Of New York» speculate that love scenes between DiCaprio and Diaz had a decided chill. «Marty thought that some of the scenes between Leo and Cameron just didn't work. But some people who are behind the film think that it has a romantic, Titanic kind of potential, and could be a blockbuster with those Leo fans. Harvey Weinstein is among those who feel that the romance is key to the film's success, so he had Marty beef up that aspect of the film.» Swiss audiences will be able to see for themselves if they were successful starting in January 2003.

26. September 2002

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