
Jude Law and the Beatles

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Jude Law will play Brian Epstein, the man who discovered the Beatles and led them to world fame.

Jude Law and the Beatles

With the aim to play the main part, Jude Law has recently acquired the film rights to Brian Epstein’s biography. The larger public might be unaware of the man’s reputation but within the music world he is an established figure: he is known because he did nothing less than discover the Beatles and make them one of the biggest music acts in the history of music. When he discovered them in 1962, no one saw their talent and potential and they were barely known on their home territory in Liverpool. But Epstein predicted then that they would become more influential than Elvis. In the years to come he successfully advised the four musicians on style, music and image until they became, as we have known for three decades, a myth of their own. When Epstein died rather mysterious at the age of only 33, the Beatles were the only ones to mark the event. After their manager’s death, differences among the band members started to become more apparent and serious. They produced some of their best music in that period but ultimately the dissension led to the band’s break up in 1970.

4. März 2001

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