
Isabelle Huppert not fired

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Repeating an article that recently appeared in L'Express, many French media outlets are reporting that Quentin Tarantino, tired of «Isabelle Huppert's antics», has decided to exclude the French actress from his next project, «Inglorious Bastards». He had previously foreseen her for a supporting but important role.

Isabelle Huppert not fired

According to the Express website, Isabelle Huppert failed to show up for a meeting with Quentin Tarantino, came late to a second one, and was undecided whether to take part at all. Which was enough to annoy the creator of «Pulp Fiction».

Huppert's agent has meanwhile denied the rumors that the American director fired her from the set of «Inglorious Bastards», saying the two had simply not come to an agreement during negotiations.

Whatever is the case, working with Brad Pitt and Tarantino is obviously not every actress' dream.

7. Oktober 2008

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