
Dirty Harry Once Again?

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

If presented with a good script, Clint Eastwood wouldlike to return to one of the characters which made him a superstar.

Dirty Harry Once Again?

In an interview with the American magazine «Film Review», Clint Eastwood recently announced that he would like to shoot another sequel to the famous adventures of inspector Harry Callahan. The legendary actor admitted that he has always enjoyed playing the officer known for his expeditious methods even though the partprovoked strong criticism and led to accusations from certain parts of the press that Eastwood had fascist tendencies. But it seems that these were based on a misunderstanding of the jazz freak in uniform. So far, five episodes involving the character have been shot. Thefirst one, «Dirty Harry» (1971) remains the most famous of the five. Not a bad outcome for Clint Eastwood, who got the part after it had been turned down by John Wayne, Frank Sinatra and Paul Newman.

12. März 2001

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