
Ashes scattered in the ocean

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The parents of Ellen Walker, who died at Age 92 this October, inspired the authors of «Titanic». Her ashes were scattered in the high seas.

Ashes scattered in the ocean

The ashes of a woman conceived on board the Titanic were scattered in the high seas last week. Deceased at Age 92 this October, Ellen Walker wanted to pay homage to her father Henry Morley, who died tragically at 37 in the night of April 15, 1912, when the ocean liner famously sank. During their idyllic few hours together on the ship, Morley had given his lover Katy Phillips a necklace, a gesture that was included in the screenplay of «Titanic», directed by James Cameron. Kate Winslet and Leonardo Di Caprio played the characters inspired by the parents of Ellen Walker.

7. November 2006

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