
First Kidman was invited by Crowe, then disinvited by the bride-to-be

Sabine Mohler
News: Sabine Mohler

Next month in Australia, actor and macho brute Russell Crowe will finally take long-time girlfriend Danielle Spencer to the altar. The guest list is still a point of contention, however, it seems that whomever Russell Crowe invites is not necessarily green-lighted by Spencer.

First Kidman was invited by Crowe, then disinvited by the bride-to-be

Russell Crowe wanted to have long-time friend Nicole Kidman at his side for his wedding to 32 year-old Danielle Spencer, who initially agreed. But now she's apparently gotten cold feet, thinking Kidman a little too close to her «Gladiator» for comfort, and rescinded the invitation. Oddly enough, Spencer has OK'd the attendance of Crowe's former Hollywood flame Meg Ryan, who is definitely scheduled to attend.

6. März 2003

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