
A third adaptation of the French comic Astérix will be filmed

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

A third adaptation for the big screen of the French comic Astérix will be filmed this year, with Alain Delon and Jean-Claude Van Damme in guest roles.

A third adaptation of the French comic Astérix will be filmed

After the disappointing «Astérix et Obélix contre César» in 1999 and the whacky «Astérix et Obélix: mission Cléopâtre» three years later, a third adaptation for the big screen of the French comic Astérix will be filmed this year, with Alain Delon andJean-Claude Van Damme in guest starring roles, playingrespectively the parts of Julius Caesar and the Roman athlete Cornedurus. Gérard Depardieu has already committed to resume his leading role of Obélix, but French actor Christian Clavier has refused to embark on this third installment. The production is trying to find a substitute for his Astérix part.

12. Juni 2005

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