
100,000 for Eugen

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The movie adaptation of the Klaus Schädelin novel with Manuel Häberli, Mike Müller, Viktor Giacobbo, Stefan Gubser and Sabina Schneebeli is a hit: 7 days after after its opening, 100,000 people have already seen it – half asmany as bought the original book.

100,000 for Eugen

The Swiss film industry is practically its own genre: after 500,000 people went to see the basic training movie «Achtung, Fertig, Charlie!», the next in line is «Mein Name ist Eugen», with 100,000 visitors on its first weekend, and soon to overtake the army flick. In one sense, the new movie already has one advantage: 58 copies of «Charlie» were distributed for viewing, while «Eugen» already has 60 in circulation. Swiss movies usually only rate 3 copies each.

21. September 2005

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