
Titles contrived for Google

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Movies titles are increasingly devised to appear at the top of the list on Google. Here are a few examples.

Titles contrived for Google

The Internet in general and Google in particular have changed the daily lives of millions of people and hundreds of thousands of businesses. And appearing at the top of the list in a search result, no matter what sector a company is active in, can mean enormous sums to any business.

It's not surprising then, that movie producers are choosing their words carefully when it comes down to setting a movie's title, and are picking the most searched keywords on the Internet. These very lucrative words usually have to do with sex or violence. Here are four examples of movie titles with an added advantage:

«Jennifer's Body»: in addition to the word «body», the keywords describingthe movie include Megan Fox, «lesbian», «naked» and «cheerleader».

«Sorority Row»: the keywords here include «lingerie», «naked women» andunderwear.

«Alien vs. Predator»: the words «alien» and «predator» are top Google search words, and when the two are found in proximity, corresponding search results appear on Google's first page, all pointing to the movie.

«Lesbian Vampire Killers»: enough said! Much more than just a title, this word string seems taken directly from the typical user's Google search: thequintessential example!

20 novembre 2009

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