
The 5 most-awaited movies

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Here are the 5 most-awaited movies for release this year in Switzerland.

The 5 most-awaited movies

Although many excellent movies are still playing, a number are still to come before December 31.

Like every year, big-budget productions – and the companies who distribute them – vie for position on domestic screens during the winter holidays.

Here are the 5 most awaited movies of the end of the year:

The political thriller «Body of Lies» starring Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio

The animated film «Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa»

The latest Coen Brothers movie, «Burn After Reading», starring George Clooney and a hilarious Brad Pitt

the super-production from Baz Luhrman, «Australia», starring Nicole Kidman

and «The Spirit», costarring the equally stunning Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johansson.

A good way to end the year – inside, where it's warm!

12 novembre 2008

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