
Scientologists scrap openly in Hollywood

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Uproar in Hollywood: Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis has resigned from the Church of Scientology and his letter to top dog Tommy Davis has been leaked on the net.

Scientologists scrap openly in Hollywood

It was leaked this weekend that Paul Haggis, known mainly for his screenplays («Million Dollar Baby», «Letters from Iwo Jima» and the last two James Bond movies) as well as for directing his own films («In the Garden of Elah» and the multiple Oscar winner «Crash»), resigned from the Church of Scientology (best known for faithful supporter Tom Cruise) this past August.

In a letter to the church's spokesman, Haggis gave two reasons for leaving the sect created by L. Ron Hubbard: one is the Church of Scientology's support of Proposition 8, a piece of legislation banning gay marriage in California. «The church's refusal to denounce the action of these bigots, hypocrites and homophobes is cowardly,' Haggis wrote.

His second reason was more personal: his wife, the actress Deborah Rennard, was told by sect heads to cut off contact with her parents for something they did 25 years ago when they also left the church.

Haggis is currently shooting »The Next Three Days« with Russell Crowe and Liam Neeson.

26 octobre 2009

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