
New Jury President for Cannes

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

The great Scandinavian actress Liv Ullmann will replace Jodie Foster as president of the Jury at the next Cannes festival.

New Jury President for Cannes

Liv Ullmann is known as a writer, a director and most of all as an actress – closely associated with Ingmar Bergman. Acting in films of the Swedish master, she has delivered memorable performances for which she will always be remembered: from the captivating “Persona” to the impressive “Cries and Whispers«, the ingenious “The Serpent's Egg» and “Autumn Sonata«. A few quiet years, as she has recently had them, do not really matter with such a past. After the withdrawal of Jodie Foster, who chose to engage herself in “The Panic Room”, Liv Ullman is about to return into the limelight as president of the Jury at the next Cannes Festival. And her impressive filmography suggests that she should be competent awarding the Palme d’Or to a film deserving of the honour.

15 février 2001

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