
Monkey business

Marcel Lanthemann
News: Marcel Lanthemann

Phenomenal success for Tim Burton's 'Planet of the Apes' in the States. The remake of the 1968 classic made the best box office start last week-end, netting 69.6 million dollars. This in spite of the fact that it gave some people plenty of food for discussion in the run up to the opening.

Monkey business

Internet columnist Matt Drudge, best known for his online coverage of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair, gave away the bizarre ending of the film in his review. This not only put him on the wrong side of 20th Century Fox but also earned him sharp criticism from competitor and editor of 'Aint it Cool News' Harry Knowles. Drudge is of course unrepentant and is giving back as good as he gets.

Ex-model Estella Warren plans an acting career after making her debut in Planet of the Apes. In the film she has the privilege of kissing Mark Wahlberg, the lead («The Perfect Storm») in place of Helena Bonham CarterFight Club»), though only because the makers did not dare depict sex between a human and an animal. Carter plays the female ape Ari who helps the enslaved people in their fight for freedom.

«Planet of the Apes» opens in Switzerland on August 30th.

6 août 2001

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