
Michael Moore dreams of inviting Fidel Castro aux Oscars

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Up for a Best Documentary Oscar for «Sicko», Michael Moore dreams of inviting Fidel Castro to the Oscars.

Michael Moore dreams of inviting Fidel Castro aux Oscars

True to his reputation, the director of «Bowling For Columbine» has once again shown his talent for provocation. Never one to avoid annoying the Bush administration and the republicans, Michael Moore has expressed his hope to invite the former communist leader to the Oscars to give the acceptance speech to the cream of Hollywood in case «Sicko» wins. The documentary was partly shot in Cuba.

With reference to the Castro's infamously never-ending speeches, Moore joked «As long as he keeps it under five hours», adding he could «...maybe get Castro in a dance number at the beginning of the show.»

Now that he is a simple citizen after almost 50 years in power, Castro could technically get authorization to go to Los Angeles for the occasion.

22 février 2008

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