
Juliette Lewis gives up her acting career

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Brad Pitt's old girlfriend, Juliette Lewis, has announced she is giving up her acting career to concentrate fully on singing.

Juliette Lewis gives up her acting career

Between 1991 and 1996, Juliette Lewis proved to be one of the most promising young actresses of her generation: by stunning Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese during the shooting of «Cape Fear»; by catching the eye of Woody Allen who immediately hired her for «Husbands and Wives» instead of Emily Loyd, whom he fired on the spot; by appearing in the remarkable «Kalifornia» (alongside then-boyfriend Brad Pitt), «Romeo is bleeding» and «What's Eating Gilbert Grape» (with Leonardo Di Caprio and Johnny Depp); and finally by captivating audiences in the disturbing but excellent «Natural Born Killers» and «Strange Days». Things went downhill form there, with rare secondary roles and a stint in rehab making up the next 10 years. Yesterday, the 33-year-old announced that she is leaving her career as an actress to concentrate fully on singing in her punk band «Juliette & the Lick», stating: «Some actors are incredibly fulfilled by acting – I never was. I love emoting, which is why I took up music. I'm passionate about music.»

14 septembre 2006

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