
Happy Birthday from Hitler

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Nothing phases Quentin Tarantino, who had actors in Nazi uniform sing HappyBirthday to Eli Roth's Jewish parents.

Happy Birthday from Hitler

During the shooting of «Inglourious Basterds», Eli Roth received a visitfrom his parents, who are also Jewish. The reception they were given by thedirector was not one they expected.

As reported by Roth to, upon their arrival QuentinTarantino interrupted a scene with everyone in Nazi uniform to announce:«Hey everybody, it's Sheldon and Cora's birthday,' and he had the whole Nazihigh command – Hitler, Goering, Bormann... going, 'Happy birthday...'.» Andit wasn't even their birthday.

The Roths, to visit their son, had broken a vow never to go to Berlin because of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust, and as a result were serenaded by a group of men in full Nazi regalia.

This wasn't Tarantino's first bit of provocation in making his movie: last week he told Germany's Spiegel news magazine that the best filmmaker in history was the Third Reich's official director, Leni Riefenstahl, and that many films made by Goebbels propaganda machine, «were quite good».

11 août 2009

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