
Golden Globes: «Chicago» emerges as victor

Urban Aregger
News: Urban Aregger

This year's Golden Globes ceremony took place on Sunday, 19th January 2003 in Los Angeles. The movies «Chicago» and «The Hours» were designated as the best films of the year while Gene Hackman has been honoured with the Cecil DeMille Award.

Golden Globes: «Chicago» emerges as victor

Last Sunday, the Golden Globes ceremony took place in Los Angeles. Let's not forget that the Globes, handed out by the foreign press based in Los Angeles, effectively set the stage for another, even more illustrious film awards ceremony due to take place this coming March: the Oscars.

The musical «Chicago» was the runaway victor of the evening, amassing 3 Golden Globes: best actor (Richard Gere), best actress (Renee Zellweger) and best film in the category «Comedy/Musical». Jack Nicholson for his role in the movie «About Schmidt » and Nicole Kidman for her part in «The Hours» were decorated in the category «Best actor in a drama». The latter film also carried off a Golden Globe as Best Film (category drama) while legendary director Martin Scorsese has been elected best director for «Gangs in New York».

Alas, among the losers were the authors of the instalment of «Lord of the Rings» as well as the «The Quiet American» starring Michael Caine. Both drew the short stick at this year's Golden Globes.

21 janvier 2003

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