
Clooney: Sentenced to Death

Stefan Gubser
News: Stefan Gubser

The way George Clooney chooses his roles we will keep crying “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” for a while.

Clooney: Sentenced to Death

He only just survived the “Perfect Storm” and then he escaped from a labour camp in “O Brother Where Art Thou?”. But George Clooney is in for yet more: at the moment the death penalty awaits him in Steven Soderbergh’s “Ocean’s Eleven”. Once this torment is over, he will start “The Life of David Gale”, directed by Alan Parker. Clooney will be a teacher who campaigns for the abolition of the death penalty. But then he gets accused of murdering a political opponent and is sentenced to death himself. Considerable contribution comes from Nicholas Cage, who is primarily involved in producing the film: he plays a very significant if minor part.

12 janvier 2001

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