
Bruckheimer and the terrorists

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

Superproducer Jerry Bruckheimer plans action movie about Abu Sayyaf's terrorist group.

Bruckheimer and the terrorists

Jerry Bruckheimer, the man behind some of the biggest productions of the last 20 years – «Pirates of the Caribbean», «Pearl Harbor», «Bad Boys», Armaggedon« – is planning an action movie about Abu Sayyaf's terrorist group: »Jihadists in Paradise«. It will be based on an article by Mark Bowden, a specialist for conflicts between the US and other countries.

Bowden is the author of »Black Hawk Down«, about the American Marines fiasco in Mogadishu, of »Guests of the Ayatollah« about the hostage crisis in Teheran in 1979, and of »Killing Pablo«, a biopic of drug dealer Pablo Escobar, which will be shot in the next few months, starring Javier Bardem.

»Jihadists in Paradise« will deal with the 2001 hostage-taking by Abu Sayyaf terrorists of over 20 foreign tourists in a Philippine jungle. An American man was beheaded during the ordeal.

19 février 2007

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