
Bill Clinton goes to Hollywood

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

During the eight years of his reign, Bill Clinton must have made as many enemies in the world as friends in the American film industry. He never made a sour face when invited to one or the other Hollywood gala. He invariably turned up and somewhere along the way he made quite a few friends: they range from Steven Spielberg to Warren Beatty, not to forget Robert De Niro, not to mention the less illustrious contacts he probably made. But who would have thought anything would come from such encounters... In a wonderfully self-parodying short film, which shows him reading his newspaper while waiting for his washing to be finished, Clinton has recently proved to have real talent as a comedian. And suddenly there are speculations about whether he could have a future in the film industry. In fact, he is currently looking into an offer to play a part in the next James Bond film. It is undeniable that the famous cigar smoker enjoys a much better reputation for his two terms in office than Ronald Reagan, his one predecessor linked to the film industry. And now Clinton might outclass him once again...

Bill Clinton goes to Hollywood

16 janvier 2001

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