
The next Madonna movie

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

After «Filth and Wisdom», Madonna is set to direct a second film, a musical comedy about King Edward VIII, who abdicated from the British throne so that he could marry a twice-divorced American socialite named Wallis Simpson.

The next Madonna movie

According to The Sun, Madge has made this her number 1 project, and with a screenplay already in hand, she is reportedly scouting locations and getting the movie financed.

The superstar has also signed the actors David Tennant, the Scottish actor who found fame on BBC¹s «Dr Who», and the talented Australian Cate Blanchett, who has appeared in many major films of the last decade, from «The Aviator» to the «Lord of the Rings» trilogy, by way of «Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull», «Babel» and «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button».

The project is certainly being made under promising conditions: there are no plans for Madonna to appear in the movie.

2. September 2009

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