
The revenge of Opus Dei

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In response to «The Da Vinci Code» and «Angels and Demons», Opus Dei finances a movie about its founder, José Maria Escriva de Balaguer.

The revenge of Opus Dei

After not coming off very well in «Angels and Demons», members of Opus Dei are taking this opportunity to give the public their side of the story, thanks to the movie that Roland Joffé is currently filming in Argentina, «There Be Dragons».

The biopic takes on the life and works of Jose Maria Escriva de Balaguer, the Opus Dei founder who was canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II, and was known both for having supported Spain's fascist dictator Francisco Franco and defended Nazi Germany¹s sickening ideology.

In an interview about the project, Roland Joffé, maker of the excellent «The Mission» and «The Killing Fields», said he believed «The Da Vinci Code» stupidly and ignorantly shows an Opus Dei monk and that the movie uses religious symbolism to confuse people. He went on to declare that his film could be seen as a response in that it would portray religion in a serious manner.

26. August 2009

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