
Sex And The Crisis

Deborah Cukierman
News: Deborah Cukierman

How does one adapt a series anchored in the conspicuous consumption of high fashion during a time of crisis? Sarah Jessica Parker has thought about it.

Sex And The Crisis

Carrie Bradshaw, proud owner of too many luxury shoes and a slew of brand-name dresses, is not someone you can emulate during a time of crisis. Sarah Jessica Parker knows this, and says the producers will adapt the «Sex and the City» sequel to the current economic crisis.

«How do we do that well?» asks Parker. «And how do we do that in a not lazy way? How do we address these economic times in a franchise that has a lot to do with luxury and labels? [...] here is a lot that we have to think about because times are very different. So these are nice challenges, these are good challenges. I'm glad they're not mine, they're really (screenwriter) Michael Patrick's, but we certainly have conversations about them»

At the same time, «Sex and the City 2» will take a lighter approach than the first movie: «The last one, we got to tell a really mature sophisticated story that had real heartbreak in it and this time, I think we want a romp. We want our audience to have a massive romp».

18. February 2009

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