
Chinese restricted to missionary position

Constantin Xenakis
News: Constantin Xenakis

In China, Ang Lee's latest movie, «Lust, Caution», inspires a series of warnings for the public.

Chinese restricted to missionary position

Authorities have warned the Chinese population about downloading Ang Lee's film from the Internet, stating that most copies contain a virus. This has not stopped the movie spreading throughout the population's computers, infecting them in the process.

Users are downloading «Lust, Caution» in hopes of seeing the full version, including the graphic scenes of nudity cut by Chinese censors.

Meanwhile, doctors are also warning the public not to try out at home what they see on-screen: a gynecologist from a hospital in Guangzhou says «Highly difficult sexual positions can cause unnecessary harm to both the male and female body and, hence, people should not be imitating what they see on the big screen.»

While it's too late for audiences in German-speaking Switzerland, where the movie has already been released, those in the Romandie have until January 16, 2008 to see if some stretching will help.

21. November 2007

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